CUI Major Incident# 2: Petroplus Coryton Refinery Fire and Naphtha Release

cui incidents Aug 20, 2020

 Date and Place of the Incident:

On October 31, 2007, a naphtha release instigated a huge fire at the C5/C6 Isomerisation plant located at Essex, England.

Summary of the Incident:

  1. About 48 tonnes of flammable liquid (naphtha) was released from an insulated pipe feeding the Dehexaniser fractionating column of Unit 35.

  2. The flammable liquid ignited and caused a huge fire reaching as high as 30 metres which lasted for about 3 hours.

  3. Sufficient damage from fire prompted the temporary closure of the refinery.

Root Cause of the Incident:

  1. 200mm NB Carbon Steel feed pipe to the Dehexaniser column on Unit 35 suffered corrosion under insulation.

  2. Water ingress occurred in the area where a walkway support bracket angle iron clashed with the pipe insulation weather cladding.

  3. Corrosion caused the reduction of the pipe wall thickness and subsequent rupture due to internal pressure from process fluids.

Financial Loss to Freedom Industries:

Petroplus Coryton Refinery was shut down for weeks and was charged $15 million for the cost of repairs.

Environmental Impact of the Incident:

No environmental impact was reported.

Fatality or injury due to the Incident:

No injuries or fatalities were recorded during the time of the incident.


Non-Compliance of Safety Guidelines and Reliability Practices:

  1. Lack of appropriate integrity management system by the facility.

  2. Failure to implement procedures addressing report recommendations on the occurrence of corrosion under insulation.

  3. Inadequate inspection and maintenance of the piping against corrosion.

  4. Poor audibility of safety or emergency alarms at some locations.

Recommendations to Avoid Corrosion:

  1. Pipe assessment and line reviews for areas of concern (water ingress points, damaged cladding, cladding obstructions, and visual symptoms such as rust staining or bulging of the cladding).

  2. Implement proper pipe monitoring and management for potential corrosion under insulation.

  3. Immediate repair and replacement for all damaged piping.

Links to the photos/videos:

The websites below provide full access to the incident report, useful insights, and related images.





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